5 Steps to Build True Loyalty in Your Network Marketing Team

[Blog Post] Can you guess the most scarce commodity in network marketing?
Hint: it’s the “glue” that holds everything together.
In fact, it’s something that applies to any business, but is especially important in network marketing. Any guesses? Ready for the answer? Click to read more

How To Use Facebook Live To Share Value And Build Engagements

I bet you have seen and heard marketers and brands using Facebook Live to broadcast their business. In recent years, livestreaming has become the latest online marketing trend for business owners and entrepreneurs. With livestreaming, you can now take your business even further by generating more leads and establishing a stronger brand name.

10 Steps to Build a Rock-Solid Network Marketing Team

Are you struggling to duplicate?

Frustrated with the lack of growth of your team?

Do you find it exhausting to try and keep your network marketing team members motivated?

Hey, you’re not alone!

But luckily…

It’s not as hard as you might think to quickly create vastly more production in your organization.

So pay close attention to the following tips, because you’re about to learn my top 10 steps for building a rock-solid and exponentially more profitable network marketing team!

Build Network Marketing Business Without Bugging Family and Friends

Network Marketing industry is growing very fast and in my opinion it will continue to grow for various reasons. Some of the reasons are:

There is no job security anymore
Start-Up costs are very low
Anyone can start a part-time business to run alongside their current job and still have the security of an income while building their dream.
Network Marketing provides an opportunity for the average person to earn an extraordinary income if they are prepared to work
Network Marketing provides the flexibility to work at anytime from anywhere.

However, Network Marketing is a misunderstood business model. Many networkers don’t seem to understand why people avoid this industry when in fact it is these same networkers who are part of the problem as they keep bugging family and friends.

Build Network Marketing Business Quickly 3 Effective Strategies

In my opinion the old ways to build network marketing business doesn’t work as well as it used to. Have you even been asked to make a list of your family and friends, talk to everyone that came within 3 feet of you and cold calling?

Don’t get me wrong I am not saying these methods don’t work at all, I am just saying the rules have changed and now the internet provides the most effective way for you to build a huge business fast!

Top earners in the Network Marketing industry have recognized this and are using the internet too grow their businesses quickly.

I am going share with you some of the strategies these Network Marketing leaders are using to open your mind to the possibilities.

Upline Not Happy You Use Internet To Build Network Marketing Business?

A very common question I get from people learning the cutting edge online recruiting methods inside my ‘Attraction Marketing Formula’ training, has to do with a concern over being scolded by an upline for “choosing a different path.”

For example, I was on a webinar a couple months ago and a woman asked how she should deal with her upline who is so entrenched in the old way of thinking, she was afraid he might be critical and/or disagree with choosing to prospect and recruit online.

In some cases, there are leaders who will monitor every move their reps make, watch their stats, review volume and call or email on a daily basis to see who you have prospected recently or showed the plan to….